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About Shade IT

About Shade IT

Shade IT is an important project of the British Blind and Shutter Association (BBSA) to improve the understanding of the science and technology of solar shading products which have proven benefits on the comfort and efficiency of buildings.

The BBSA supports the programme with an Technical Working Group of industry experts and funds a PhD student at London South Bank University.

About the BBSA

The BBSA is the only UK trade association for companies that manufacture, supply and install interior and exterior blinds, awnings, security grilles and shutters and associated motor and control systems.

Solar shading and building comfort

The BBSA is the single largest source of independent information on the solar shading industry. This website demonstrates the important comfort, productivity and energy-saving benefits of the products the industry offers.

Much of the evidence proving the benefits of effective solar shading to homes, offices and other buildings comes from sources independent of the BBSA, such as the World and UK Green Building Councils, Building Research Establishment, Climate Change Commission, Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations and the Glazing Supply Chain Group.

The BBSA is keen to share knowledge and best practice in order to improve buildings in the UK and increase occupant wellbeing and productivity. Solar shading is a proven technology but often considered as a design afterthought rather than an important element of façade management and building services.

No one technology – glazing, heating, cooling, lighting or solar shading – can work in isolation if we are to improve the building stock of the UK to meet sustainability and energy efficiency demands and, equally importantly, improve the comfort and wellbeing of its occupants.

Child safety

The BBSA has been instrumental in leading the campaign for safer window blinds via its Make It Safe campaign. This campaign is supported by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and the Child Accident Prevention Trust. Please visit: http://www.makeitsafe.org.uk/

BBSA members

The BBSA takes a leading role to ensure the highest possible standards of product, service and fair trading throughout the industry. Each member adheres to a strict Code of Practice and members are kept updated with changes in the industry via regular communication. You can visit the main BBSA website here: https://bbsa.org.uk/


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