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Blinds, shutters and awnings are more than decorative privacy solutions to windows in our homes.

Carefully chosen, installed and operated solar shading can help prevent heat loss in the winter, keeping your home warmer. In the summer blinds and shutters can help keep your home cooler by reducing or preventing the sun’s rays from entering through the windows.

And blinds and shutters can also help control the amount of natural light so you can prevent glare and use your home in comfort.

Conservatories and summer houses have their own unique challenges due to the amount of glazing and the fact that these are typically not linked to the home’s heating system. Solar shading can be very effective in helping to make these spaces more comfortable throughout the year.

The UK is experiencing a big increase in the use of motorised shading driven by the availability of battery operated systems. Once a blind is motorised it has the option of being automated and so maximising its energy saving and comfort potential.

Click the benefits below to see how solar shading can help you.

Learn more about the benefits of Solar Shading

Keeping Warmer
Keeping Warmer
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Keeping Cooler
Keeping Cooler
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Conservatory Comfort
Conservatory Comfort
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Reducing Glare and Controlling Sunlight
Reducing Glare and Controlling Sunlight
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Saving Energy
Saving Energy
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