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BBSA Exhibit at EMEX

The British Blind and Shutter Association (BBSA) will be exhibiting at the Energy Management Exhibition (EMEX) at ExCel in London on 16-17 November 2016.

Get your free tickets here.

Blinds and shutters are a proven way of saving energy and improving occupant comfort in all types of buildings.

BBSA experts will be on hand to explain the energy saving and comfort benefits of blinds and shutters.

The BBSA have recently commissioned an authoritative report by the National Energy Foundation (NEF) to scientifically detail the benefits of solar shading to buildings and the reasons why blinds and shutters are often a design afterthought in UK buildings.

The BBSA team will also be presenting results from a office to residence refurbishment in London which is experiencing significant overheating, even in October, and which has been the subject of extensive monitoring project in conjunction with the BBSA’s PhD student at London South Bank University.

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