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Moving from Energy Production to Energy Saving

Moving from energy production to energy saving has been discussed at length in The Warren Report this month. Written by Andrew Warren, Chairman of British Energy Efficiency Federation and published in the January 2018 edition of Energy in Buildings & Industry magazine. This report details research conducted by global asset and investment managers, Schroders into how capital spending in the energy sector needs to move towards energy saving, rather than energy production. The findings show significant results to support the move.

“Energy efficiency receives 10 percent of investment monies whereas half is devoted to gas and coal power and fossil fuel production.”


The BBSA is certainly supportive of energy saving above production. Solar shading reduces the amount of energy required to heat or cool a building and is a passive solution. A scientific study for the BBSA by the National Energy Foundation, which uses building modelling, indicates HVAC savings of up fifty-four per cent with external blinds and up to sixteen per cent with internal blinds

From this data, the BBSA have created an engaging brochure which illustrates the key benefits of efficiency, amongst other positive advantages of saving rather than producing energy.

Within the ShadeIT website you can find a number of publications that investigate the efficiency of solar shading in commercial and residential buildings. The evidence shows that use of blinds and shutters have a significant impact on the amount of energy required to maintain and run a building.

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