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UKGBC references mitigating overheating at planning phase in resource

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC), in association with Core Cities UK, have released a new resource pack; ‘Driving sustainability in new homes: a resource for local authorities.’ This is designed to support local authorities improve the sustainability of new homes with resources focused on energy & carbon, mitigating overheating risk, and the cross-cutting issue of assuring performance.

As members of the UKGBC, the BBSA support the work they do, and the information provided in this resource. Of key importance is the consideration of overheating at the planning phase of construction, rather than as a post-occupancy complaint.

Blinds and shutter systems are most effective at reducing solar gains when installed at the outset. Research has shown use of external blinds can reduce internal operative temperatures by 10 -18oc and use of internal blinds can reduce this by 8-13oc.

To read the full report please visit:

To read the two-page playbook please visit:

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