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World Green Building Week 2018 – Heat Rejection

Heat Rejection – Wednesday 26th September

In the quest for energy efficiency, most modern buildings are highly insulated and ‘airtight’. However, these qualities significantly increase the risk of over-heating – it’s estimated that around 20% of homes in England currently overheat during the summer months.

This problem is set to become more significant in the face of global warming, with higher temperatures expected across the UK during the next 30 years.

It’s feared that heat-related deaths in the UK could triple by 2050 attributable to a combination of climate change and an aging population.

Appropriately controlled shading can significantly reduce the risk of overheating for building occupants.

Want to know more?

Keeping commercial buildings cool with shading video:

Keep domestic properties cool:

World Green Building Week 2018

World Green Building Council:

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