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World Green Building Week 2018 – Heat Retention

World Green Building Week 2018 starts today and at the BBSA we support the World Green Building Council and any initiative that encourages new buildings to embrace passive heating and cooling options!

Each day this week we are going to be focussing on a new topic that is relevant to #WGBW2018 and the blind trade. To kick things off, as we are now officially in Autumn in the UK, our first topic of the week is heat retention. Read below for an explanation of how blinds support heat retention.

Heat Retention

Glazing is the weak point in a building’s overall thermal performance and a major source of heat loss.

The is especially the case in many existing buildings. Currently its estimated that around 23% of the UK’s housing stock is single glazed, while a further 27% features pre-1950 uncoated double glazing. What’s more 80% of existing buildings will standing by 2050.

Although upgrading glazing may be the initial consideration shading should be considered first. There may be constraints on changing glazing too – for example, in conservation areas.

Shading helps to insulate a building’s “transparent envelope”.

Want to know more?

Keeping the heat in video:


World Green Building Week 2018

World Green Building Council:

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